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La petite porte Uyuni 4*

The place you will sleep in tonight have been built on the

bases of an old house of Uyuni. We renovated it to give you the best comfort. The walls and the stones from the patio are originally from the house. The reception desk comes from an old library store. The wood on the floor is called Masaranduba and the one in the bathroom is called Itobao (used to build boats). Both woods come from the Amazonian part of Bolivia. The mosaic and the taps come from Italia. The furniture has been designed by Lucca from Gitano Urbano and handmade in a little workshop of El Alto. The bed covers are made of Tocuyo (100 % natural cotton made in Bolivia). The leather of the tabourets and the bed heads comes from a factory in La Paz which export in the whole world. The plates have been especially designed and made for La Petite Porte. They have been totally handmade in a little workshop in a little village named Clisa (Cochabamba). You also will enjoy a real central ceiling heating system and hair dryer








Categories: , hotels, Uyuni
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La petite porte Uyuni 4*

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