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Excursion to Huacas Sol y Luna + Dragón + Chan Chan + Huanchaco in Trujillo

We visit today Chan Chan, the capital of the Chimú Empire, It extended over more than 18 km2. The Tschudi Palace, placed in the southwest of Chan Chan, is one of the most well-preserved and well-decorated palaces. It is decorated with geometric shapes and low-relieves animal draws. You’ll also visit the ceremonial places, the grain stores and the cemetery. It’s a huge urban complex made of a kind of mud called adobe. The greatness and perfection of this city is expressed in its high decorated walls, long passages, ceremonial squares, palaces, workshops and warehouses. There was room for 100,000 people, virtually a city-state.After this we drive to the pyramids of “Arco iris” , also known as “Huaca El Dragon”, built by the Chimu culture between the 11th and the 15th century and surrounded by a 6 meters high wall. and “Huaca de la luna and sol “, here the archaeologists still do every day new discoveries 
Full day 

-guide in English 
-Entree fees 
Not included 


Nota /This excursion you can do in Private or shared service

https://southamericaplanet.com/en/excursion-to-huacas-sol-y-luna-dragon-chan-chan-huanchaco-in-trujillo/ https://southamericaplanet.com/es/excursion-a-huacas-sol-y-luna-dragon-chan-chan-huanchaco-en-trujillo/ https://southamericaplanet.com/nl/excursie-naar-huacas-sol-y-luna-dragon-chan-chan-huanchaco-in-trujillo/
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Excursion to Huacas Sol y Luna + Dragón + Chan Chan + Huanchaco in Trujillo

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