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Individual Bolivia, in 9 days

Our Fast Bolivia Tour in 9 days, taylor made Bolivia 

Individual tour with, hotels/transport and excursions included
From Santa Cruz to  Santa Cruz  ( can also start in la Paz)

You can choose this tour in 3 options 

1 Budget tour : in hostals/ local transport / excursions in international group

2 classic tour: in 3* hotels/ mix local transport – private / mix private excursions – international group

3 Luxe tour: all 4 * hotels / private transport / private excursions/ included entree fees


How do we work ? 
In our packet, you travel all by yourself, Southamerica planet take care for you, we reserve all your hotels and transport. Before you arrive in Bolivia, we wil send to your mail, all the vouchers and general formation. The excursions you do in International groups with English speaking guides.
Our local agent arrange also your transfers and give you the bus tickets to go from A to  B, like this, you travel around by yourself but without worry’s, all arranged thru  southamerica planet. If there are any problems, you always find support by contacting our office in Peru or our local contact in Bolivia!

What is included?
* All bus transport, all hotels and all the tours as indicated in the program.
* All your vouchers, information packet, like general info over all the places you visit.
* All hotels are based on double room with private bathroom, single rooms on request for an extra price, all buses or private transport.
* We can offer this tour in star hotels or local clean hostels or in a mix.
* all the transfers.

Not included.
* Your food, in the hotels is breakfast included.
* The entry fees and taxes, like airport tax.
* Local flights.

Many highlights in 1 tour.
* La Paz, the highest city.
* Tihuanacu – culture.
* The 1 – days amazing salt lakes jeep tour  in 4 wheel drive jeeps.
* Potosi, with the silver mines.
* Colonial Sucre.
* Copacabana with islands on Titicaca lake.

Day 1
From  Santa cruz connection flight to Sucre. In sucre transfer from the airport to your hotel. The city center today is a huge living museum, full of architectural treasures from the colonial and republican eras as well as numerous 16th century churches that feature Baroque and mestizo art. Walk to Recoleta, a church and museum, a site offering you a fantastic view of the entire city.  San Lazaro and Santo Domingo. You can walk  to the University’s Museum; the Textile Museum Asur, Jalk’a and Tarabuco exhibitions; the Cemetery and the main historical monuments. Or visit the Historical Museum, House of Freedom; the Metropolitan Cathedral and the Historical courtyard of the San Francisco Xavier University. Enjoy he exquisite exterior of Santa Monica’s Church as well as the San Francisco Church and the Convent of San Felipe Nery.
1/2 day City tour.
Transfer from airport in Sucre.
Hostal / hotel in Sucre.
not included
Lunch + diner

Day 2 Sucre
Today some action /excursion /Inca Trail (half day); this easy hike of about three hrs starts at the chapel of Chataquila on the rim of the Cordillera de los Frailes. You walk down the Inca trail to Chaunaca while you enjoy impressive views all around. The hike is 95% downhill and very easy. At Chaunaca the car will pick you up to bring you to the Ravelo River. Here you can take a rest, have a footbath or a (cold!) swim in the water.
You will get some fruit served as well as coffee or tea with cookies before the tour ends.
1/2 day incatrail/ only going down.

Hostal / hotel in Sucre.
not included.
Lunch + diner.

Day 3 Potosi
Today we will take private car for about 3 h to Potosi. Potosí is one of the three colonial cities of Bolivia. You will see the historical colonial centre of the city. You can visit La Casa de La Moneda, probably Bolivia´s best museum.
Potosi, a mining town that was originally named Villa Imperial de Potosi. The city is spread upon the foothills of the legendary Cerro Rico Mountain that did have the largest deposits of silver during the Spanish Colony. Visit two lovely churches: San Francisco and San Lorenzo. Santa Teresa Church, which is also a museum. Potosí was founded in 1546, following the discovery of silver in the nearby mountain Cerro Rico, literally “the rich mountain”, which dominates the city. During its mining heydays in the 17th century, Potosí was the biggest and wealthiest city in the Americas. Silver from Potosí was taken to Spain and used all over Europe. A simple stroll around town to admire colonial architecture is another pleasurable activity; be sure to stop by the main Cathedral  and Convento de San Francisco (for lovely rooftop views).
Private car to Potosi

1/2 day city tour
Hostal / hotel in Potosi
not included
Lunch + diner



Day 4 Potosi – Uyuni
Excursion Mine Tour Cerro Rico (3  hrs.)/ before you depart from Potosí you will put on safety clothes and take a lamp and a helmet with you. You will visit the miners market where you can buy some gifts like coca leafs, dynamite and pure alcohol for the miners (not included).It is tradition to bring the miners gifts because you are entering their working area. By car you will go to one of the many entrances of the famous silver mine. You will see miners at work, you will visit El Tío, the God of the underworld, where the miners offer to Pacha Mama, Mother Earth. You can descend to all levels you want, but normally the wider and higher shafts are chosen. You can leave the mine with an assistant-guide at any time, also if the group wants to descend further down. You are witness firsthand to the life and working conditions of Bolivian miners. Silver is what created this city, and it would be shame to leave without learning more about the work conditions of Potosí’s mineral extracting activity. After lunch we continue over the new paved road with reel nice scenery to Uyuni for about 4 h drive. Uyuni is in many ways a bizarre and surreal place. Hot in the sun, cold in the shade, and freezing at night, the small Bolivian town could be described as climatically challenged.
Excursion to silver mines

Transfer out Potosi / transfer in Uyuni
Hotel/ hostal Uyuni
Local bus to Uyuni
not included
Lunch + diner

Day 5 Uyuni
Around 10 Am we start our Amazing 1 days tour. The real reason people come to Uyuni is  the Salar. It is a surreal sensation to stand in the middle of a vast expanse and to stare into the distance, unable to tell exactly where the land ends and the sky begins. This is the largest salt flat in the world, and definitely not to be missed.  Strange rock formations are scattered throughout, including Incahuasi Island, a coral reef covered in groves of giant cactus and believed to be the remnants of a volcano that existed in the middle of a giant prehistoric lake.

In the morning we first visit the train cemetery and Colchani town, as well as the process of making domestic salt. We will be able to observe the salt extraction method. In the rainy season, the salt becomes a giant mirror where the white sky is reflected perfectly and everything seems to be floating in the air. This scenario is a paradise for lovers of photography, for the visual effects that can be achieved. Then you will visit Ojos del Salar; here bubbling gases escape from underneath the salt flat, the Salt hotel and Incahuasi. After a day at the Salt Flats, you will be transferred to your Hotel in Uyuni.

1 days Saltlakes  4×4 jeeptour in private or shared jeep.
1 nights hostal/ hotel Uyuni.
not included
Entree fee 30 Bol
Optional you take the 3 days jeeptour in private or shared jeep.
Optional  you take the night bus to La Paz.

Day 6 La Paz
Transfer to the airport and 50 min flight to La Paz. Arrive Capital La Paz . You can visit the Indian Markets and Witches market, as well as the beautiful San Francisco Basilica and Murillo Square. Or the Government palace, National Congress, Metropolitan Cathedral.
Big 30 floor skyscrapers and modern shopping centers where traditional Indians and office personnel are making this city really colorful. As you continue to travel further down to the south you will begin to notice that the climate also changes as it becomes warmer and greener. The difference between central La Paz and the South can be sometimes 1000 meters which is part of the reason that the rich live in this part and the poorer population lives in the colder, higher suburbs of El Alto. Founded in 1548 by the Spanish colonizer Alonso de Mendoza. La Paz has been the stage for some of the most important moments in the history of Bolivia. Although Sucre is Bolivia’s official constitutional capital, La Paz is the seat of the executive and administrative branches of government. Today, the modern city of La Paz has more than 2 million inhabitants, over half of whom can claim indigenous ancestry. Moon Valley at an altitude of 3.400 M. In the Moon Valley you will make a hike of about half an hour. The moon valley: Due to wind and water erosion over thousands of years the Valley of the Moon was formed. At a distance of only 10 km. from the centre of La Paz the sand and rock formations here remind of a moonscape. The tour ends  in your hotel.
Transfer in La Paz and Uyuni

Hotel/ hostal in La Paz
1/2 day  City tour and Moon valley
not included
Lunch + diner
Local flight and airport tax ( we also can arrange)

Day 7 La Paz Tihuanacu
From La Paz you can make an other excursion ” Tihuanacu”
Tiwanaku ruins is the most important pre-Columbian archaeological site in Bolivia, maybe even in South-America. It is considered one of the oldest civilizations of the Andes region (1300 BC-1200 AD). The fascinating culture, the religion and the brilliant architectural and astronomical knowledge existed for some 3.000 years. Tihuanacu was the biggest city in its time; according to assumes it had a population of between 20.000 to 120.000 people. The ruins of Tihuanacu are located at a distance of 72 KM from the city of La Paz. As cultural in heritage of humanity the ruins are protected by UNESCO. The most important highlights are the Kalasasaya Temple, the Akapana Pyramid, the Sun Gate Intipunku and the semi underground temple. The visits of the museums and the ruins will take some 3 hrs.
Excursion to Tihuanacu.

Hotel/ hostal in La Paz.
not included
Lunch + diner.
Optional 1 day Dead road mountain bike tour to Coroyco.
Entree fee.

Two Transturin Catamarans

Day 8 Titicaca Isla del sol Sun island 
Early land transfer to Copacabana Sanctuary, board the Catamaran Cruise Ship, lunch while sailing to Sun Island, the legendary birth place of the Inca Empire. Visit the Inca Garden, steps and fountain then the Inti Wata Cultural Complex including the Ekako underground Museum, the traditional medicine and the Titikaka reed shipbuilders display centers, the Pachamama agricultural Inca terraces, a handicraft center, the Intica lounge and at the Manco Kapac look out, the largest variety of Andean cameloids. Also, the Inti Wata Complex at Sun Island includes a unique sailing experience aboard a huge Titikaka Traditional vessel to enjoy a panoramic visit of the Pilkakaina Inca Palace.
Catamaran Cruise Ship to Chua harbor, land transfer to La Paz city.
Transfer out.

bus to Coppacabana.
Transtourin Boat to Isla del sol.
Hotel/ hostal in La Paz.
not included
Optional you can stay in Copacabana and cross next day the border to Peru, or do a standard visit.


Day 9 Santa Cruz
Transfer to the airport and local flight to Santa cruz to connect with international flight.
Transfer In La Paz to the airport

not included
Local flight ( we can arrange)
Lunch + diner

Optional you can take a flight or bus to Cusco Peru to continue your Peru adventure


General information click below

https://southamericaplanet.com/en/individual-bolivia-in-9-days/ https://southamericaplanet.com/es/bolivia-individual-9-dias-en-bolivia/ https://southamericaplanet.com/nl/individueel-bolivia-snel-bolivia-van-9-dagen/
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Individual Bolivia, in 9 days

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