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Maras + Moray in shared service 1/2 day

This tour will bring you to the natural saltpans of Salineras, via old colonial towns which are situated in the Sacred Valley and surrounded by high snow-capped mountains. We drive to the village of Maras which is well-known for its colonial style houses and interesting churches. From Maras we head towards Moray, one of the most interesting of the Inca constructions – believed to have been an agricultural experiment station. About 7 km to the southwest of Maras; The Incas created their own micro-climate to adapt the plants to this altitude. Afterwards we will drive to Salineras, where the famous salt pans are situated. Which was already exploited since the Inca era. Maras are constituted by about 3000 small Salt pans. Finally, the bus will take you back to Cusco. As you can see, this excursion has it all: natural beauty, cultural sites and amazing saltpans. 


  • Transfers in / out
  • Assistance staff in English and Spanish.
  • Shared transport

Not included:

  • Admission fee at Maras + Moray
  • meals

This excursion can only be booked together with a packet

https://southamericaplanet.com/en/maras-moray-in-shared-service-1-2-day/ https://southamericaplanet.com/es/maras-moray-y-servicio-compartido-1-2-dia/ https://southamericaplanet.com/nl/maras-moray-in-gedeelde-groep1-2-dag/
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Maras + Moray in shared service 1/2 day

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