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Tambopata Eco lodge TPL, 3 or 4 days

 Rain forest ENCOUNTER (4 Days / 3 Nights), Puerto maldonado, Jungle south Peru

One of the highlights of this introduction to the Peruvian rain forest environment is the trip to Collpa El Gato. What makes this excursion unique.

Many forest animals gather at these sites in search of the minerals essential to their diets, and during the walk through the forest we will have the chance to observe troops of monkeys and many species of birds.

This trip also enables our guests to explore the forest around the Lodge, observe the rich aquatic and avian life around an oxbow lake, search for nocturnal fauna such as caimans on the river, and relax and enjoy the facilities of our comfortable Lodge, located in the heart of the forest

Day 1: Flight to Puerto Maldonado, and journey to the lodge.

In the jungle town of Puerto Maldonado, you will be met from your flight by our staff, who will escort you during the fascinating 68-kilometer road and boat trip along the Tambopata River to the eco lodge(23 km by vehicle, 45 km by boat). Once we leave Puerto Maldonado behind, the forest vegetation will change from colonized deforested areas to virgin rainforest. Time spent on rivers is one of the highlights of any trip to a tropical forest ecosystem, offering the opportunity to observe native flora and look out for examples of Amazon fauna, with the help of an experienced naturalist guide. A box lunch will be served aboard our boat. After time to settle in at the Ecolodge, your naturalist guide will invite you to explore the trails in the surrounding forest. Several giant brazil nut trees are located along these trails, while frequently seen fauna includes brown capuchin monkeys, agoutis, blue-morpho, butterfly, trogons, toucans and other bird spieces. In the evening, a slideshow presentation provides a thorough introduction to the rainforest. After an excellent buffet-style dinner, another guided walk in the forest offers the chance to spot nocturnal monkeys, as well as learning about the Amazon’s insects, while enjoying the unique sounds of the nighttime forest.

Day 2: Forest trail walk and bird clay lick

After an early buffet breakfast, we will board our launch for the 9-kilometer (20-minute) ride upriver to the trailhead, looking out all the while for mammals along the riverbank. We will spend around an hour walking this trail, with plenty of time to observe Amazon flora and fauna along the way. Among the tree species seen on this trail are the capirona, strangler fig tree and palo santo, as well as bamboo, and several varieties of palm tree. Moving on through the forest, we will continue to El Gato macaw lick, where in the early morning groups of scarlet and red-and-green macaws often gather to feed on clay deposits. After plenty of time to observe the birdlife at the clay lick, we will return to the river via another forest trail and take the launch back to the Ecolodge in time for a buffet lunch. On these forest trails, sightings of  howler monkeys, capuchin monkeys and Squirrel monkeys are common. After lunch, guests can choose from a number of options, including:

  • Exploring the network of forest trails around the Ecolodge.
  • Visiting a nearby, simple, “colonist-style” forest farm.
  • Bathing in the Gallocunca forest stream that flows alongside the Ecolodge.
  • Relaxing and enjoying the comfortable facilities of the Ecolodge, including the bar and lounge, gardens and hammocks.

In the evening, following a buffet-style dinner, we will meet in the bar for a brief talk given by our naturalist guides on caiman, the fascinating nocturnal predators that inhabit Tambopata’s rivers and lakes. We will then return to the river in search of nocturnal fauna, looking out for caimans using flashlights to pick out their “eye shine” as they hunt along the riverbanks. Snakes and capybaras are also often seen along the river at night.


Day 3: Forest trail walk to Lake Sachavacayoc

Today, we will venture much further into the forest to visit the wetland ecosystem around Lake Sachavacayoc. After a short trip downriver by boat, we will access this lake via a long, fascinating forest trail, crossing streams and marshy ground via raised wooden walkways and bridges. Among the tree species seen on this trail are the capirona, strangler fig, and palo santo, as well as Bamboo, and several varieties of palm tree. The forests around this beautiful oxbow lake teem with birdlife , and the waters are home to black caiman  and the magnificent green anaconda . Visitors to this lake may also be fortunate enough to spot the rare Amazon giant  river otter. The lake comes to life as we paddle across the water for around an hour, before heading back to the river via a different trail, with our naturalist guide on the lookout for interesting species. Capuchin and squirrel monkeys are commonly seen on these trails. Back at the Ecolodge in the later afternoon, you will have time to relax in a hammock or take a refreshing dip in nearby Gallocunca stream. After a delicious buffet-style dinner, there will be time in the evening to get to know other Ecolodge guests in the bar and lounge.

Day 4: Morning river journey and return flight

Your stay in the Amazon forest ends on this fourth day with a magical morning return by river for your flight from Puerto Maldonado. This is an excellent time of day for wildlife observation, as the forest awakens, and looking out for rainforest fauna from our boat with the help of your naturalist guide is the perfect way to bid farewell to Peru’s tropical forests.

Services included in your trip:
*All meals and accommodation from lunch on Day 1 to breakfast on your final day.
*All transport from your arrival at Puerto Maldonado to your return to the airport.
All guided excursions described in the itinerary (including on additional days, if you wish), and a one-night excursion on the river looking for

Our Ecolodge

The remote location of our Ecolodge, 72 kilometers by river from the nearest settlement, deep in the forest and close to natural oxbow lake ecosystems, means that the most remarkable attractions of the South American rainforest can be reached easily in half-day or full-day excursions, while evenings can be spent relaxing and enjoying our hotel standard accommodation, restaurant and bar services.

Suite Rooms

Our Suite rooms are spacious (34 m2 / 366 sq. feet) and fully screened against insects. Twin rooms are equipped with two double beds, double rooms with a king size bed. All beds are fitted with mosquito nets. Rooms have private adjoining bathrooms, with hot water provided by solar energy, and are supplied with bathrobes, slippers, cold drinks and a safe deposit box. Each room’s private porch (11.5 m2 / 124 sq. feet) is furnished with chairs, a table and hammocks.

Superior Rooms

Our comfortable Superior rooms measure 24 m2 (258 sq. feet) and are fully screened. Twin rooms are equipped with two double beds, double rooms with a king size bed. All beds are fitted with mosquito nets. Rooms have private adjoining bathrooms, with hot water provided by solar energy. Each room’s private porch (10 m2 / 108 sq. feet) is furnished with chairs, a table and hammocks.


At the Ecolodge a visit to unspoiled tropical forest habitats does not mean enduring discomfort. We offer our guests the finest lodge accommodation in the reserve, with hotel-style comfort, infrastructure, facilities and food.

Minimal negative environmental impact

The exteriors of our cabin-like rooms are designed from local materials to harmonize with their surroundings. The Ecolodge’s interiors have been created with your comfort in mind, while many of the materials employed have been imported to the zone to minimize local environmental impact, while enhancing the luxurious feel of the accommodation.

Rooms are spacious, well-decorated, comfortable and fully-screened against insects. Our two categories of accommodation –Superior and Suite- have private bathrooms with light and hot water provided by solar panels, and each cabin has its own porch with hammocks for relaxing between trips into the surrounding forest.

Bar and restaurant

Peru is justly famous throughout the world for its fine cuisine, and at Tambopata Ecolodge we do everything possible to honor that tradition. After spending the day in the company of our guides, or even walking part of the sign-posted 25 kilometer trail system around the lodge independently, there could be no better way to spend the evening than a fine meal in our excellent restaurant or an exotic cocktail in our well-stocked bar.


Services included:

All meals and accommodation from arrival at the Ecolodge on day one of your itinerary to breakfast on the final day. All transport from your arrival at the town of Puerto Maldonado to your return to the local airport. All guided excursions described in the itinerary.

Services not included:

Flights to Puerto + entrance fee to Tambopata National Reserve (payable directly to the Reserve authorities); any drinks you may purchase from the Ecolodge bar; tips.


For walks in the forest we recommend that you bring; light clothing, long loose-fitting trousers, long-sleeved shirts, a wide-brimmed hat and walking boots or tennis shoes. Around the lodge you can wear: shorts, T-shirts and sandals. The early mornings can be cold, especially when on the river; you should bring along a windbreaker or a sweater.

Rain gear:

Come prepared with an impermeable jacket or rain poncho, as heavy rain may fall at any moment. We have rain ponchos at the lodge but they can only be used on the lodge’s trails. You should also bring swimwear for bathing at Gallocunca and other forest streams. For excursions on the Ecolodge’s trail system, wellington boots are available in a selection of sizes for use by our guests.

Personal items:

We recommend that you bring the following items: sun block, flashlight and batteries, a daypack, water bottle, medical kit, sunglasses, pocket knife, passport, waterproof bags, insect repellent.

Please remember that we provide secure luggage storage facilities at our offices in Puerto Maldonado. Tambopata Ecolodge requires guests to leave their non-essential luggage in town before setting off for the Ecolodge. Thanks to this measure, guests can travel on to the Ecolodge in our boat much more comfortably, taking only what they will need during their stay. We supply all guests with a duffle bag for this purpose at our offices. All our guests need to do is make sure they arrive in Puerto Maldonado with what they will need during their stay packed in the top of their suitcases or backpacks, and at our offices we will give them ample time to transfer these essentials to the duffle bags provided.


It is a good idea to bring waterproof casings for all your photography equipment. Protect your cameras, binoculars, documents and any other valuables that could be damaged by moisture in any form. You will be visiting a rainforest; we will cross lakes, walk on muddy trails, embark and disembark from boats, and so there is a constant threat of moisture/water damage to gear. Wrap items in plastic bags and only take them out when you are actually going to be using them. A slip, trip, or splash by you or a companion could do damage you’ll regret for the rest of your vacation.

Health and safety:

When you arrive at the lodge your guide will inform you about what you should and should not do while you are at the lodge or in the forest. We suggest that you come with insect repellent and malaria prophylaxis. Yellow fever is present but uncommon. If you have a vaccination certificate bring it with you.


None are mandatory for entering Peru, but several are recommended. For general travel, typhoid, infectious hepatitis, and polio are commonly advised. Consult your physician or local traveler’s clinic.

Yellow fever:
While yellow fever vaccination is not officially required for travel to Peru, the disease is known to be present in the rainforest, and vaccinations are recommended for those traveling to all South American, Central American and Caribbean tropical forest destinations. Those seeking vaccination before travel should remember that they must receive their shot at least 10 days before arrival in the rainforest. Those already vaccinated should remember they will require a “booster” vaccination every ten years.

Health, safety and things to watch-out for:
We suggest you bear in mind the following points throughout your stay with us:

Please use footwear at all times when walking around the lodge complex.

FIRE! On every cabin balcony you will find a fire-extinguisher. Remember that we are far from the nearest town and emergency services, so please be especially vigilant.

Water supply

Water comes from a holding tank behind the Ecolodge and is precious. Any leaks should be reported to the administration, for immediate repair. The water used at the lodge is pumped from Gallocunca stream into a 20 cubic meter tank, where it is allowed to settle to remove any sediment. Once chlorine has been added to this water, it is supplied under its own pressure to the Ecolodge’s rooms, for use in showers and washbasins. In the kitchen, part of this water is stored in a one cubic meter tank, where it is purified and filtered before being transferred to an upper tank. It is this water which is used for cooking. In addition, part of this water undergoes an ozone purification process before being used to prepare soft drinks and fill the water cooler in the dining room, as well as to fill the pitchers placed on the night tables in guest rooms. This water can be used for drinking and for brushing teeth.  Water straight from the faucet should only be used for washing and showering.
Bottled water is also available for purchase from the bar, in 620 ml and 2.5 liter bottles.

Electricity supply
The 06 Suite rooms at the Ecolodge have a 220 volt (7 amps) power supply, although this is only available until 10:00 pm. However, the Lodge also has a 12 volt supply in those same rooms, supplied by solar panels.

The 220 volt electricity supply at the Ecolodge is available at the following times and in the following areas:

1. From 10:00 to 13:00 hours in: Administration, kitchen, dining room, bar (this supply can be extended to the Suites if necessary).

2. From 17:00 to 22:00 hours in all areas of the Ecolodge, including the 06 Suite rooms. There is no electricity supply in the Superior rooms.

The Ecolodge’s 12 volt supply is generated by solar panels and is available 24 hours a day in its Suite rooms, although consumption should be limited as much as possible.

A multitude of rodent species live within the forest. Many are attracted to the smell of food. To avoid any unwanted visitors store any food you may have in the safety deposit box in your bungalow.

Clothes should not be left to dry outside overnight. Botflies, the larvae of which are parasitic, tend to lay their eggs in wet clothing, after which the eggs hatch on contact with warm skin. All clothing should be hung up inside your room at night.

Do not walk in the forest alone, and do not stray from marked trails. It is easy to get lost!

When on trails we recommend that you cover up fully (long-pants and long-sleeves), use insect repellent and tuck pants into socks.

When walking, keep an eye on the ground ahead of you for snakes and swarms of army ants. If a snake is spotted, do not approach it, inform your guide. The vast majority of snakes are harmless, although species identification can be difficult, so it is better to be safe than sorry! On no account must snakes be molested.

If confronted by a swarm of ants, step across them carefully and then check footwear and socks thoroughly before continuing.

Please do not intentionally pursue or unduly disturb any animals you may spot on trails or in and around the lodge. Remember that we are sharing this environment with them and they deserve our respect. Plants and flowers should also not be taken from their environment.Children and infants

The Ecolodge welcomes children and infants accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Children under two years of age are welcomed free of charge, when sharing a bed with their parents or guardians. Children between 2 and 12 years of age are subject to a payment of 50% of the cost of their program, and at this rate they will be accommodated in an additional bed in their parents’ or guardians’ room.

For rainforest excursions, we limit the size of groups. Although our boats can carry up to 30 guests, with two guides assigned to those groups exceeding 10 members, on forest trails guests are divided into separate groups, each with their own guide, and they walk different trails. Each of our guides will escort a maximum of 10 guests during excursions. For transfers between the town of Puerto Maldonado and the Ecolodge, our boats can carry up to 18 passengers, and our bus seats 30 passengers.


Tips may be offered to the guides or staff at the lodge, at your own discretion.

https://southamericaplanet.com/en/tambopata-eco-lodge-tpl-3-or-4-days/ https://southamericaplanet.com/es/tambopata-eco-alberque-tpl-3-o-4-dias/ https://southamericaplanet.com/nl/tambopata-eco-lodge-tpl-3-of-4-dagen/
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Tambopata Eco lodge TPL, 3 or 4 days

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