We must preserve the environment so as not to generate serious problems for future generations. In many cases, the production of electrical energy requires the burning of large amounts of fuel, which worsens global warming. We are minimizing electricity consumption in offices and in all operations, with the following measures:
- Use saving light bulbs.
- Require the strictly necessary use of electricity from office staff, without leaving lights, devices, etc. on by mistake or in stand-by mode.
- Guide field staff (porters, cooks, guides, etc.) and also all our partners, so that in their activities, whether work or even personal, they save electricity at all times and also, with great courtesy, indicate to customers about this practice.
- Make proper use of heating systems, air conditioning and the like.
- Use renewable energies, such as solar thermal to charge our lamps and in other situations.
- Properly dispose of electrical and/or electronic equipment, batteries, fluorescent lamps and the like, delivering them to authorized collectors.
- We establish an effective control of the consumption that our associates make, for example, vans, tourist buses, among others.
- In the design of travel packages, we minimize the use of transportation that uses fuel: planes, buses, vans, etc. We encourage customers to take more walks, to enjoy the scenery and exercise, while contributing to ecological sustainability.
- We avoid any contamination of the water with burnt oils.
- We comply with the standards required by international certifications such as ISO 14001.
In relation to water care, we comply with the following standards:
- All staff, both in the office and in the field, are well aware that saving water is vital for everyone.
- We guide all field staff and tourists not to contaminate any reserves, such as lakes, rivers, the sea, etc., during the tours.
- We only allow the use of biodegradable washable products (soap, shampoo, sunscreen, detergent, etc.) in our adventure packages, as a way of protecting water resources, and we suggest our clients make the permanent transition to that type of consumption.
Regarding the use of paper, the effective measures that we apply are the following:
- Maximize its reuse in the company. For example, printing draft documents on both sides, keeping useful information such as maps, itineraries, brochures or leaflets, etc., for as long as possible, avoiding their continuous reprinting (this applies to both office and field staff).
- It is also recommended to digitize all types of information as much as possible.
- Buy only stationery and cardboard items that are recyclable: paper bags, bond sheets, pads, notebooks, folders, books, etc.
- Separate all the paper in a marked garbage can, so that it can be taken to a specialized recycling plant.
- Properly dispose of toxic objects such as printers, toner, ink cartridges and the like, delivering them to authorized collectors.
- Keep a record of the amount used, whether monthly, bimonthly, etc.
- Likewise, we will also support the restoration of forests affected by aggressions against the ecology.
Regarding the purchases made by SOUTH AMERICA PLANET:
- We only purchase products made of reusable plastic or other materials that are not disposable (for example, surgical steel). This is how we have been doing it in accordance with the policy of prohibiting disposable plastic (sernamp) in tourist places.
Cusco Green Seal Certification, distinctive of the entity’s commitment to environmental protection by saving water and energy; the application of the 3 R’s, reduce, reuse and recycle; the care of green areas that contribute to the progressive minimization of significant environmental impacts and allows the closure of the life cycle of polluting materials.
We also have certification from SERNANP National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State. For this reason we are committed to Solid Waste Management, promoting the minimization and reuse of plastic packaging and other contaminants.
Solid waste cleaning day 2024
Corporate Initiative of the Private Sector of Inca Trail Operators: Keeping the majesty of the natural heritage, protecting the habitat of the Gallito de las Rocas.
1/Amazing Holidays Tours
RUC : 20600751850
2/America Trek SAC
RUC :20600794737
Office Cusco, Perú
- CALLE SAN AGUSTIN #307/ OFF. 116 dept. F/ Operations + Trekking
- Tel: +51 84 251145
- Google Maps
Customer service
- Office: Monday to Friday. Saturday till 1pm – Sunday closed.
- Business hours: 8 AM to 1 PM and 4 PM to 8 PM.
Contact information
- Email: info@southamericaplanet.com
- Skype: southamericaplanet
Emergency number
- Cel phone: (+51) 984 112 504
- WhatsApp: (+51) 984 577 011
Certified company
Groups confirmed